Your Love Decoder For Great Relationships


"Where there is love there is life."

Mahatma Gandhi

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a magic wand, and be able to know exactly how to love people in a way that they really desire?

And by doing so, become a magnet to more and more love in your life? 

Studies have shown that there are 6 top “love supplies” in relationships, meaning, there are 6 ways of receiving love that really fulfill people. 

When our relationships provide us with these love supplies, our tank is full. When they are lacking, it feels empty. 

And what’s interesting, is they are ALL related to feeling seen and valued as a person. 

So when we feel seen and valued, we feel loved, and when we see and value others, they feel loved by us.  

Here they are:

 1. Being Listened To 

This is the number one love supply. When we can sense that someone is fully present and completely listening and hearing us - not just thinking about their own response - it makes us feel truly seen and valued. If we can do one thing to improve all of our relationships, it’s listening. 

2. Praise and Acknowledgement

This is just another way of helping someone feel seen, valued and uplifted. Instead of listening, we’re using our words to convey respect, appreciation or gratitude for another person. And, within the word praise is raise. We can raise each other up with words of celebration and acknowledgement.

3. Loving Touch 

Human beings need loving touch. Biologically, it’s a sign that we’re safe and accepted within a group. When we receive appropriate affection that is authentic and reciprocal it makes us feel seen and valued in a visceral way that calms and soothes the nervous system. 

4. Being Supported in Our Goals and Dreams

When we don’t receive support from our spouse, our boss or our peer group it can feel so isolating, lonely and defeating. It triggers a sense of not being understood and not belonging. When we receive support and believing from another (especially when we have a hard time believing in ourselves) we feel encouraged, and valued for our ideas, dreams and who we are. 

5. Receiving Loving, Constructive Feedback 

It can be really hurtful when we get negative feedback, and can be equally as hurtful when we get no feedback at all. But when someone really cares about us, they take the time to give thoughtful feedback that is elevating and supportive. 

6. Keeping Agreements 

Being stood up or “ghosted” is like being abandoned. When someone says they’re going to be somewhere, and they don’t show up on time (or at all) we get the message “You’re not important and your time is not important.” So when people do show up for us, this creates a sense of security, stability and integrity within the relationship and helps us to know that we matter.

By incorporating these 6 love supplies into your everyday life, they can help you to create greater satisfaction and fulfillment in all of your relationships. And as you make love and connection a real priority, watch every area of your life improve!

Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

To Increased Love & Connection