Are Subconscious Thoughts Helping Or Hurting
Why is it so hard for humans to change even when we want the result so badly?
You know, that familiar feeling of doing the same thing over and over again even though it doesn’t serve you?
And that pattern you’re trying to stop repeating, no matter what it is, is weirdly… seductive?
You might have had the thought, “As if it’s not hard enough to motivate myself to change - why do my mind and emotions feel the need to actually work against me?”
But this is the truth, right? We have to get honest about the nature of our minds if we want to have any chance in overcoming it.
This post is all about the solution to this frustrating human condition.
We’ll look into the mechanics of creating change, uncover the sneaky way we sabotage ourselves, and I’ll give you a gift to help you take the first step.
Let’s dive in.
When you look at the current results you’re creating in your life, that tells the story of the subconscious operating system that runs your life.
Results never lie.
And that’s actually great news. Because it shows you where you’re out of alignment with what you really want in life, and those are the areas where there is work to be done.
For example, if you’ve been dreaming about moving across the country for 5, 10 or 15 years and you haven’t done it (even though you are in love with the idea) that’s a place where your operating system is out of sync with you.
That’s something to look at.
Your operating system, also known as your paradigm, is the collection of thoughts that have been crystallized in your subconscious mind over your lifetime.
It is your belief system, perspective, and general approach to the world. It causes you to automatically react to situations based on those deep-seated beliefs, and you can’t help but keep creating the same results over and over again.
It’s what’s familiar.
Most people go through their entire lives unaware, just reacting to life roughly the same way their parents did, and creating similar results, all the while wishing things were different.
But not everyone gets stuck like this. Some people overcome their ingrained patterns.
How do they do it?
The key to overcoming your current patterns is awareness.
Once you become aware that your thoughts and feelings are driving your life on auto-pilot, you now have the ability to change them.
But it can be tricky, because the logical mind doesn’t want you to change. It operates based on fear, which is useful in a survival situation, but not so great for achieving goals and dreams.
So beyond just being aware that we can change, we have to also be aware that our mind is going to fight us tooth and nail. Here’s how it works:
The 4 D’s: Ways Your Mind Stops You From Changing Your Results
1. Distraction
You know when you are about to sit down to finally start writing the book, making the phone calls, or setting up the meeting that could actually make your dream a reality?
But then your kid calls for a ride home, or you feel guilty that you haven’t made dinner, or your neighbor wants to talk, and you put your dream on the back burner to do something more “practical.”
This is self-sabotage of your dreams via distraction. There will always be something else to do. In order to change your results, you have to prioritize your vision.
2. Delay
This is an absolute killer of dreams. Delay is when you convince yourself you are most definitely going to write the book, make the calls, set up the meeting, invest in a personal trainer, etc. but… later.
Notice how later never comes. Be very aware of when you tell yourself you will do something later, because it is your logical mind’s way of ensuring it will never happen. If you want a new result you have to be willing to take a step NOW.
3. Dissuasion
This is the voice in your head that speaks in self-doubt, and tells you you’re not ready or good enough to begin a new pursuit.
It is how the mind convinces you that you should be content with where you are, because you probably don’t have what it takes to have what you really want. Why even try?
This is a soul-destroying way to feel, and it shrinks our dreams and our confidence. Notice where you have negative self-talk. It is keeping you running the same paradigms and convincing you it’s for the best.
4. Defcon/Disaster
When nothing else works your operating system will manufacture a disaster to keep you stuck right where you are.
Have you ever saved up money to take a trip, go back to school, or do something that felt exciting and really scary? And then, “out of the blue” you get hurt and have a hospital bill to pay.
Or your roof starts leaking, you have to replace it, and it drains your bank account.
You got too close to having something new, it became too real and the fear took over.
You unconsciously wanted a reason not to have to take a leap of faith, so rather than fully embracing growth and change and expansion, you were subconsciously looking for any excuse that would keep you in your “comfort zone.”
To be clear, your mind’s intention is not to sabotage you, although it feels that way. It thinks it is protecting you by keeping you where you are.
Because it treats anything “new” as a threat, we cannot rely on our mind as an advisor. It’s just not what it was designed for.
We will always attract situations that match the overall frequency of our current operating system. If our overall frequency is fear and constriction, we’re going to be a match to dissuasion, delay and disaster, we’re not going to be a match to success, ease and abundance.
Thus the pattern continues until we make the conscious decision to override it.
To review:
Awareness #1
Your subconscious auto-pilot is creating your current results, and you have the power to change that.
Awareness #2
When you try to change your results, your logical mind will step in using the 4 D’s and attempt to sabotage your efforts.
But the most important thing to remember is that your dreams are never a lost cause.
Changing your personal paradigm, or operating system is totally possible, and because it’s so important to achieving your vision, that’s the primary work my clients and I do together.
By running a new operating system, consciously and subconsciously, you can create new results and live your dream.
If you are sick and tired of doing the same thing over and over again, beating yourself up about it, and not seeing the results you want, let’s talk.
You’re invited to have a 60 minute complimentary strategy session with me, to help you draw a line in the sand, and set yourself up for success in 2021.
I have 10 slots available, completely free of charge, for anyone who is ready for change and is no longer willing to settle for repeating the old same patterns, year after year.
I’ll help you craft a 2021 vision and we’ll determine a plan of action to give you the structure, strategy and support to make your vision real.
I absolutely love this work and it’s my privilege to help you take the first step into a life you love.
Schedule your complimentary session >> here.