Two Truths That Explain Success


Do you ever look at people having great success and feel like maybe you took the wrong turn in life, they're playing with a different rulebook, or perhaps it's just not in the cards for you?

Whether we admit it or not, we're all prone to measuring ourselves and the quality of our life by comparing it to someone else's.

It can be hugely discouraging to look around and see others thriving, while you work hard to respond to the conditions that appear to govern your daily existence. Thinking about dreams or a life vision from this place can almost feel like a fantasy. 

Perhaps you can relate to this. If so, let’s dissect these ideas so you can have greater clarity on exactly how to make welcome what you want in life: time and financial freedom, health and vitality, a passionate love, or purposeful work, all without white knuckling it.

Truth #1: The more envious we feel about someone else's success, the more we affirm what we don't have or lack, and this creates more constriction in our life.

What if success is better defined as fulfillment. Feeling good in your skin, being on purpose, having great relationships and knowing that you are making a positive contribution to those around you. 

When you redefine success as something much more expansive, isn’t it possible that you are actually a whole lot more successful than many people who only appear to have it all?

Maybe the success you really want is only a few small adjustments away, and you’re in a much better position than you might think. 

Your work then, is in learning how to increase your fulfillment, rather than figure out how to be more successful. And the good news is, it’s totally doable. I witness my clients doing this every day and you can too.

Truth #2: If hard work was the key to success, 90% of the world would be wealthy, happy and fulfilled, because there are a whole lot of people working hard.

In fact, in his book "you2" by Price Pritchett, Ph.D, he says "Trying harder isn't necessarily the solution to achieving more. It may not offer any real promise for getting what you want out of life. Sometimes, in fact, it's a big part of the problem. If you stake your hopes for a breakthrough on trying harder than ever, you may kill your chances for success."

Isn’t that amazing to think about? Working hard is something people point to as the way they achieved success, but it’s actually not a predictor of success at all.

In my own life, I’ve found that the more aligned I am to my inner guidance, and the more focused I am on my vision, the greater results I have...and the more fulfilled I am. 

And it always feels much easier than when I was trying hard and not accomplishing nearly as much.

We intuitively know everything we need to know when it comes to our own success, and achieving results we love.

It’s just a matter of knowing how to access that knowing within you, and systematically creating your life from that place.

If we find ourselves trying to hustle and scratch, or claw our way to an end, even if superficially we get some results, we're left feeling out of balance spiritually and emotionally.

But when we relax, get clear and get focused internally, we actually land in the flow of our lives, the natural place where our greatest fulfillment - and best results - reside.

What I've come to learn over the years that has changed my life exponentially, is that my measure of success and fulfillment, when rooted in a vision for my life, is not only achievable, it's vastly more abundant and rewarding than I could have imagined.

I hope these suggestions cleared up a few things for you! You are so much more than you have believed and everything you need to thrive is within you right now.

To Greater Clarity and Fulfillment!