The Magic of Self-Image


In his book, The Magic Power of Self-Image Psychology Dr. Maxwell Maltz shares:

"Our self-image, strongly held, essentially determines what we become."

When we compare ourselves to others, regardless of the intention, we are reinforcing our self-image of “not enough.”

It doesn’t matter if we are feeling insecure by comparing ourselves to someone who is more attractive or more successful, or we are feeling superior by comparing ourselves to someone we got a promotion over at work. 

Someone who compares himself to people he feels superior to also doesn't feel “good enough." If he was secure, confident and at peace within himself, he wouldn’t have any reason to compare himself to anyone else. 

Comparison never improves your self-image, thus it never improves who you become.

Fortunately, all it takes is a shift in perception and a little bit of practice to improve your self-image. 

Comparison is a constrictive feeling that implies lack. By contrast, focusing on doing your very best feels empowering, expansive and abundant.

When we shift from the perspective of “comparison” to the perspective of “personal best" we can break old habits and build an expansive, abundant and empowered self-image.

4 Tips To Become A Better “You” Than You Were Yesterday:

Tip #1 Have a Vision

You have to choose the direction you’re headed, otherwise you just end up repeating past patterns. A vision is the longing in your soul that is always present. If you’re not sure what your vision is yet, think of how you would love to feel. Then notice the things in life that help you to feel that way (or that feel "life-giving"), and you’re on the right track.

Tip #2 Practice Self-Care (and Fun!)

Your self-image is fortified by how you treat yourself. When you hold yourself in high esteem you are able to meet the moments of your life more confident,  capable, and self-assured. And your results will reflect it. Take care of yourself the way you would take care of someone you love unconditionally. And if you would love more fun, laughter and joy in your future, allow yourself to have it now. 

Tip #3 Prayer and Meditation

It’s so easy to get in a cycle of thoughts, to-do lists, fears and unanswered questions just going round and round in your mind non-stop. Meditation and prayer allow you to focus your mind on your vision, and what really matters to you. And you also create enough mental space to receive answers and solutions, rather than occupying the mind with replaying the problem over and over. 

Tip #4 Good Rest

When you are properly rested, you will be at your best. You are your most creative, you have energy, mental clarity and focus, and your mood is more balanced and less erratic. It is also a way of taking care of yourself, and allowing your wellbeing and peace of mind to be important. 

Notice if you find yourself comparing yourself to others, and ask “What would it look like for me to be at my personal best in this moment and what step could I take to ground that way of being now?"

You’ll open up a whole new doorway in your life that never could have come from comparison. 

And you are more than worth it!

To Your Personal Best!